Friday, April 24, 2015

Convergence Week 2 Review

WARNING: This review may contain spoilers!

A Week Late and An Excuse Short

So I'm finally getting around to doing some reviews after not doing any last week. I apologize for my general laziness (although I have been busier in the last week), and I'll try to make up for it this week. Therefore, I hope to get all these reviews in  before Saturday. However, I have two weeks to cover, I may not get to everything. So I'm going to be covering Convergence: Catwoman and Convergence: Shadow of the Bat in this review as well. The idea is to move toward a more focused weekly summary of the Convergence event. I'll do a full review of the main title and mini reviews of the tie-ins. So let's get to it.

Convergence #2 - "The Planet Incarnate"

Finally! Where Convergence #1 felt like a poor continuation of the introduction in Convergence #0, Convergence #2 actually delivers on some good action and some decent story development, even though it still leaves new readers completely in the dark when it comes to introducing characters.


Convergence #2
April 15, 2015 by DC Comics
32 page Comic • $3.99
I haven't taken note of the art before, because it was all setup stuff. There was no story to capture me and draw me into book; both Convergence #1 and #2 were quickly read then tossed aside. Now that we've come to an issue where action is happening, the art becomes an integral part of the storytelling. However, I feel that this is one why in which this series falls short of the mark. I have two main problems in this area: The first is the way the scenes are depicted. Too much of this book is up-close shots of our characters or simply don't provide enough view of the area. never are we given a good view of the surrounding areas. I would just like to view this planet in my head, but I'm having trouble. Secondly, the colors in this series seem very bright and vibrant. Everything pops and stands out, therefore nothing is highlighted. I feel like it is just too overbearing without any part being muddied or dimmed. Of course, this isn't so much of a problem, but more of a personal preference.


After an introduction featuring Earth-2 Grayson (more on that later), we find our characters are still being lectured by Telos about his might and his grand purpose or whatever... WE GET IT! Luckily, this only lasts for one page, and makes an example of how he will make the different universes fight with the Future's End universe in a two-page splash panel. His minion bots coax the cyborgs from Future's End to attack the Stan Lee universe characters and unfortunately Stan Lee is no match.

Now lets pause for a second here. First, we must grieve for Stan Lee's characters, which I know nothing about, but I assume they're awesome. Second, I need to underline the fact that I know nothing about these characters. I appreciate Telos trying to fill me in on their identities with "--This world, born of a great creator. . .", but honestly, that didn't help me much. I identified that they were the Justice League from another universe, but that's it (although the Flash threw me for a loop). I really just want short character bios at the end of the book PLEASE. I know I'm begging, at this point, for something I'll never get, but the need is real. I really don't understand why they didn't include this like in every other Convergence title. Oh, and don't get me started on the surprise appearance of Deimos at the end. Dei-who?

Anyway, Earth-2 Superman breaks out of Telos' goo while Telos is "distracted", and everyone starts to open up a collective can of Whoop-Ass on Telos. Things go weird when Green Lantern taps in to the planet's energy to fight Telos. (Earth-2 GL is the avatar of the Green on Earth-2, which make me wonder what Earth-2 Swamp Thing is like.) Well, Telos is the anthropomorphic manifestation of the planet; so while it seems to be effective (and it looks pretty dang cool), it really does nothing to Telos. So he comes back until he decides to give up on fighting. He says, "None of you are worth my time!" and leaves. Apparently he has better things to do, like. . . watch other fights. Man this guy must love MMA or something. Dude, just record it and watch it later.

So Lantern is now powerless in any fight, but he learned some of Telos' fears. While the League follows those fears through some Metropolis or other, Tom-Bats and Gray-2 head to Pre-Flashpoint Gotham. They follow Tom-Bat's intuition to a hidden door in a sewer which leads to the Batcave, where they meet up with Pre-Flash Bats and Alfred.

This is the part of the issue that everyone has been looking forward to, and we see it all from Gray-2's point of view, which I think is great. It points us to what kind of conversation Bats and Tom-Bats have when they speak in private, but we are left to our imaginations when it comes to the details. Beautiful story-telling right there. Also, when Tom-Bats is heading out, I love what he says, ". . . if your father is anything like I am, he'd be very proud." As Batman silently hangs his head, I swear I almost shed a tear... almost. Sadly, that's it. Only a few pages are dedicated to this highly anticipated moment. This issue just didn't leave enough time for what really mattered to readers. I honestly could have done without every other part of the book to see this moment explored in more detail.

So coming back to that intro with Earth-2 Grayson, it shows us his final moments on Earth-2. He is attempting to flee Earth with his son. However, when the gates are closed he's on the wrong side and his son is ushered onto the ships by a woman in a maroon cloak. After seeing the ships explode, Grayson runs until he is captured by Brainiac's/Telos' teleporting goo. This sets up his motivation from here on out. After seeing that there are alternate versions of Gotham, including one in which Thomas' son is alive and well, we are led to believe he now will be looking for another version of his own son. Which is great motivation to continue caring about this character, if you ever did to begin with.


Although, I finally feeling like I'm getting my money's worth (which by the way, this is the first issue that is $3.99 rather than $4.99, which I find incredibly odd considering this is the first book of value), I'm just left wishing more of the New 52 characters were involved or I had read Earth-2. Oh well...

Convergence: Batman - Shadow of the Bat #1 - "The Dark Side of the Street"

Convergence: Batman - Shadow of the Bat #1
April 15, 2015 by DC Comics
32 page Comic • $3.99


I'm a big fan of the art in this issue. It's dark and moody to accurately reflect the themes of the issue with realistic highlights and shadows giving a good sense of atmosphere. With excellent use of blurred lines in certain panels and some amazing action sequences, all four of the artists deserve a pat on the back for a beautiful issue. 


The plot is not the most amazing thing that could ever be, but for one issue, it does a pretty good job. Everything from the setup to the showdown and reveal of the challengers at the end is well done. We get character introductions, motivations, and proper setting all while telling a story that is worth reading. Pre-Zero Hour Bats and Azrael went to Metropolis because of the Green Lantern/Paralax event but got stuck when the domes came down. I love how this ties into another Convergence title, as we've not scene to much of that. The only gripe I can make for a one-issue story is the interactions between Bats and Azrael. Bats doesn't want Azrael to kill but Azrael doesn't care. Bats shows his disapproval of Azrael's apathy in the whiniest of ways. He knew this would happen (Azrael even told him as much) yet he continues to whine.


A worthy title in the Convergence event series with every aspect enjoyable despite its very few shortcomings.

Convergence: Catwoman #1 - "Schrödinger's Cat"

Convergence: Catwoman #1
April 15, 2015 by DC Comics
32 page Comic • $3.99


The art lends itself to the time period which are characters are from. Catwoman's suit is as purple as ever with the bright popping colors, and the dramatic facial expressions are the cherry on top. Not my favorite style, but I give props to the artists for taking me back to a time when I didn't even know comics were a thing.


What if Catwoman were a superhero instead of a morally ambiguous theif? It's a question that has been definitely been asked before and will undoubtably be asked again. Unfortunately, this is not one of the times that will make a difference. The entire book seems to be lack-luster. Nothing wows or excites, all is bland. "Catwoman fights people, but this time she's a hero!" It's still just Catwoman fighting random dudes. The story doesn't even come to an interesting conclusion. It casts aside any story built up and throws Kingdom Come Bats at us. So what was accomplished in this issue? I really don't know.


Nothing new is explored and the plot is rubbish. Not a book to pick up unless you're going the Pokemon route.

Week 2 - Final Thoughts

Not a terrible week, but hopefully not the best week either. At least the main title was worth the money this time. Looking back to Week 1, there weren't any titles that I really regretted not picking up. This week, however, I'm kicking myself for not picking Green Lantern/Paralax. Apparently this title was amazing. Plus it was alluded to in Shadow of the Bat. Other than that, I wish I would have picked up Suicide Squad. I hear that it follows the early formation that will be depicted in the movie, and it would have been nice to read that. Aquaman was, as I've heard, very eye opening as to how the whole event works. Each week being within the cities listed at the begining of the issues. So that may have been one to pick up as well, but I missed out. Maybe later on I'll go back to it. For now, that's Week 2, over and done.

Convergence: Suicide Squad #1
April 15, 2015 by DC Comics
32 page Comic • $3.99
Convergence: Aquaman #1
April 15, 2015 by DC Comics
32 page Comic • $3.99
Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #1
April 15, 2015 by DC Comics
32 page Comic • $3.99

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