Thursday, April 9, 2015

Convergence #1 - "Domesday" Review

WARNING: This review may contain spoilers!

"Are we there yet?" "We'll get there when we get there!"

Whether you've been patiently waiting patiently or you've just now decided "Sure, why not?", Convergence has officially begun! What can readers expect going into this one? Well, readers should expect some lack-luster writing, some confusion (for some), and a lot of exposition that leaves with the feeling that we still haven't quite started...

Convergence #1
April 8, 2015 by DC Comics
40 page Comic • $4.99
The issue opens with the Injustice universe characters fighting Superman, and fortunately, this part doesn't rely on the reader having read the entire series, as simply understanding the fact that Superman turns evil is sufficient. So, I'm just glad I played the game and know that much. Despite the lack of exposition, at least they let you know which universe this is with the opening Evil Supes thought box: "Gotham City. A city where a great INJUSTICE was done..." Can't argue those coordinates. 

The next section of this issue is much more confusing, for those (like myself) who did not read Earth 2 or Worlds End. So Batman is the first to pop onto Telos, and I swear I thought he was Flashpoint Batman. Nope. Turns out Earth 2 Bats is just really similar to Flashpoint Bats. So I spent the rest of the book wondering who these characters were, how Tommy Wayne new them, and "What now with Darkseid?" Unfortunately we get no "Our world has ended, our second earth" blurb to set the scene. Maybe no necessary for everyone, but it would have been greatly appreciated by some.

Even more appreciation would have been awarded to less monologuing by Telos. (Oh Telos, you love that Jesus Christ Pose, don't you?) Honestly, he doesn't say much we didn't already know. We're already here, because we were promised DC's take on Thunderdome. Stop explaining give us some proper exposition sprinkled slug-festing. Please and thank you. Unfortunately this redo on last weeks issue takes us right to the end, with the last splash panel pretty clearly foreshadowing that Superman will be the one to save the day. I can't help but feeling like I just looked at a couple of bookends. Front cover - back cover, no pages in-between. 

Finally, we are again presented with a "Who's Who" bit in the back. Given the issue I just read, this seems even more important than I previously assumed. Without at least going to Wikipedia, I may end up completely lost by the end of May.


I once again, can't recommend this book to anyone. Not for the $4.99 price. Borrow a friend's copy or don't even bother. I only hope that next week's issue is worth it. With all this setup out of the way, it would only be logical that we get into the meat and potatoes next week. (Yet, that's what I thought last time.) So, here me now DC, this is your last chance. Get on with it, or I'm out.

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